Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer Lovin'

When EG came to visit last month, we just had to build something. The kids were adamant that we build marshmallow guns. The process was made infinetly easier by me buying the wrong parts, so they didn't work so well while EG was here, but a few nips, tucks and glued bits made them work much better now.

I came home from graduation practice the other night to find everyone outside shooting each other with marshmallows. Here's the boy completely unaware that his father has him fuzzy eyeballed. The marshmallow hit him right on the forehead.

As all good fathers do, under the guise of, "Here, let me fix that," the man comandeered both weapons and sent the kids scattering for ammunition to throw back by hand.

Next I knew, the girl ran in the house and got the man his own bag of marshmallows so they could team up on the boy.

She, most certainly, needed a bath when they were done.
Thus, summer began.

Side note: went out to the garden this morning and realized the zucchini was giving up the ghost. I got to thinking about Kate and Crew and her Garden Blogger's Death Day. It seems like she's not blogging anymore and I miss her wry sense of humor. Do you think she'd mind if we resurrected it?


  1. I know I would have contributions for Death Day! I hope that Kate has finally figured out her garden mysteries and she's busy in the dirt! The girl has true garden feet, and I may have to show hubby the marshmallow shooter, he made a potato gun but I outlawed that since he completely took down the fence with it!

  2. Ha ha ha. The best Christmas we ever, ever had was the one where everyone got rubber band guns and it was an 11 person battle!

    I say, email Kate and then go for it. I have something every week.

  3. I cried when I saw all those wasted marshmallows. Just think of all the Rice Krispie Treats that could have been. *sniffle*

    I definitely think we should continue with Kate's GBDD. I wish we could continue it with Kate. Has anyone tried to contact her? I've left comments on her blog, but I've lost her email address, so cannot harass her further.

  4. Oh how I miss Kate and GBDD. I always laughed so hard.

  5. Tell the man to put a hat on - we don't want his head to get sunburned...hehe. Anyway, it sounds like y'all had fun....

  6. My zukes are counting down their days too. One is out the other is only hanging on by the hope of on elast giant that I might put in the freezer for zucchini bread. LOL.
    Looks like you had fun, but I"m cryin' in the rain with Granny - just think of those poor unloved rice crispy treats. Dang it - now I'll have to make some tonight!
