Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ready, Set...Wait!

This has to be the most difficult time for gardeners everywhere. The weather is tantilizingly beautiful, but you know good and well a frost/freeze is lurking it's ugly head somewhere in the near future, you've set your summer seeds to germinating and now it's a waiting game.

I set my squash, zucchini, and tomato seeds to germinate this weekend and with the exception of a rain storm coming through tomorrow for the duration of which they'll all be moved inside, the weather should be nice for the next full week to keep them outside for a long time to come. I've also put some rosemary cuttings in some water hoping they'll root. The bush I have is wildly out of control and I want to move some to the other corner yard as well. If they don't work, I'll just buy new transplats.
Below is the only battle wound sustained in yesterday's compost haul. The truck door and I had an altercation over how much clearance was actually needed to shut its door.
Think this looks bad? You should have seen the truck. Okay, so there wasn't a scratch on it, but whatever.
The morning did come early, and the girl marched into our room saying, "Guys...the big, bad morning is here!" Sweet summer gardening dreams.


  1. Gosh, you're starting squash already? you're very brave....However, if you've got room for them under the light, it's certainly a good way to get a jump on things. Hmm...I may have to follow suit...

  2. Eg, now that the broccoli is out, yes, I should have room under my light, but even so, I have faith that the days around here will stay above 40 so I can always just bring the babies in to sleep and take them back outside in the morning.

  3. OUch, that looks painful! I'm very jealous of your warm weather. Hopefully you're done with winter.

  4. OW! Same here with the weather. I just put 2 flats of broccoli, greens and other cool loving seedlings so they can get started on the fresh air and sunshine, BUT even though today is supposed to be 75, we're back into the 40's the rest of the week, yo-yo!

  5. I'm not even thinking of warm weather plants yet. I've got to get the cool weather plants started first. So right now I'm just waiting.

  6. Decided to back up a post to give this out... go here to get the stylish blog award! LOL. :-D If Granny didn't gift it to you already.

  7. Ouch! That looks bad! I kinda feel responsible.... :)
