Monday, January 10, 2011

This Says it All.....

Third post for the day, and for that I'm sorry, but this picture pulled from The Gwinnett Daily Post says it all. This is I-85 Northbound- the major highway through Atlanta and an exit ramp. You can barely see the southbound lanes on the far left.
It was the middle of the day today and whereas the traffic is usually bumper to bumper, there was hardly anyone at all. We're out of school tomorrow as well and I'm starting to wonder if we'll be back at all anytime soon.


  1. OMG don't you dare go out there woman! Yay for the corkscrew timing and extra gallon of milk!

  2. We heard about the snow storm on the news. They say we are going to get blasted by that same storm tomorrow. Gulp.

  3. That is crazy! At least most people are staying off the roads.
