Monday, March 22, 2010

One Down!

19 more teeth to go!


  1. He looks SO proud, they sure are in a hurry to grow up! Is it going under his pillow tonight? How much is the going rate for a first tooth nowadays?

  2. Kids are lovely with gaping smile.. ~bangchik

  3. He's crazy proud. Apparently the tooth fairy has been hit with inflation, or so I've been told. This one knows he'll be lucky to get a dollar, possibly two since it was his first tooth. I've agreed to stay up and "beat up" the tooth fairy so he can keep his first tooth.

    Actually, the only reason he agreed to let us pull it was that I told him I'd put his picture on the blog.

  4. I used to get a quarter, as I recall. Yeah, we had it rough way back the 80's. *grin*
    I'll bet he wants to show the tooth to all his friends!

  5. YAY! Such a proud moment!

    We would--I mean the tooth fairy would give our son the Sacagawea dollars. The first time he lost a tooth he came into our room screaming, "The tooth fairy left me pure gold!" LOL Oh, then we moved, and somehow his bag of "gold" got mixed up with ours, and he ended up a few coins richer. He kept doing the math and couldn't figure it out! Finally when he realized the tooth fairy wasn't real, I explained the bag mix up to him (but let him keep it). Fortunately, he only has his molars left...

  6. Inflation's a b*%$^, isn't she.

    He's made a list, in order, of the people he's going to show in the morning.

  7. You tell The Boy that when he loses 7 more, Granny will send him her partials.

  8. That's so wrong, Granny. However, the tooth fairy has run into a problem. There are no dollar bills in her posession. We're going to have to go for quarters and exchange them for dollars when we get to school in the morning.

    The tooth fairy dropped the ball.

  9. I hate to see them go. The little, perfect baby teeth. Sniff. And then there's the years when they have a little kid face with enormous adult teeth! What kind of design is this?

    Good luck to the little one, and the unprepared tooth fairy!

  10. I put a tooth under my pillow once when I was a kid, and woke up the next morning to find 2 alka selters that had been left by the tooth fairy...yeah, pretty sick joke, huh? No wonder I ended up the way I did, Ha!

  11. Congrats! My son's school photo this year was sans both front teeth, lol...definitely getting into the "awkward stage"! And this tooth fairy thing is a racket... my son told me one kid in his class got 10 bucks...seriously????!!!!!
