Children don't come with a manual. It's a point bemoaned by many parents. What's worse- what works for one child doesn't necessarily transmit to the second. The man and I, as all parents, have resolved to do our best. They are both more familiar with Voltron than Sponge Bob and are prone to quote archived Looney Toons more often than not. The boy and girl are making their way through one episode of Popeye a day and my next plans are to introduce the boy to time honored classics as Thundercats and the girl to She-Ra and Jem. Oh yes....Jem is a must.
We're making headway. Both kids know the lyrics to "Ghost Busters" by heart and had a duck when the man brought home a poster with the awesome logo against a black background.
The next words out of the boy were, "Wow! Can I have a Queen poster for my room!?" Our work here is done. He comes home from school with comments on how a Justin Bieber song was played on the announcements at school, but is quick with the snarky response of , "Yeah. but he's got nothin' on David Bowie." Ha! Judge our parenting skills now, will you!?
Granted. they're children. The glories of the REAL Halloween films will come in time. And yes, oh yes, GWAR will be introduced at a time to be determined for we are not going to give our children up to popular culture without a fight. For whereas we do not intend on raising Hans or Franz, we will indubitably raise children who understand "it is better to look good than to feel good," can hold a "coffee talk" for the masses and appreciate a good "candy gram" when they see it - shark not withstanding.
So get out your leggings, brick cell phones and pagers. These kids are hip to be square.
The morning comes early - especially when there are birds nesting under your porch and keeping ungodly hours. Sweet gardening dreams.
January 27, 2015 - Family update
10 years ago
I love this post. :)
ReplyDeleteWe only do what we can, Megan. ;) Post came to me after I got some frustrating news at school - I'll be most likely teach a social studies course that I haven't touched in 14 years and the superintendent of school is coming to graduation (which I manage). We only do what we can with what we have and try to do our best, but when we can work in Queen and David Bowie, it's not all bad. Wonder if I could replace the Val.'s speech with "We can be Heroes?"
ReplyDeleteI love y'all all to bits. When they're old enough to be angsty, they can come over here and I'll play them the weird music their uncle refuses to listen to (see: Cowboy Junkies, Neko Case, Handsome Family, Yeah Yeah Yeahs). You know, just so they're well rounded.
ReplyDeleteYou're on, Aunt Sarah! And I count on you to prove to the girl that every good superhero has an amazing woman behind them.
ReplyDeleteAnd after they kids get finished at Auntie Sara's, they can come over to Auntie Deidre's and I'll play them some old school funk and dusty B-side blues. Uncle Kurt can introduce them to "Apollo 13" and "From the Earth to the Moon" and "Army of Darkness" :)
ReplyDeleteLet's face it, Olivia and Q100 notwithstanding, our kids are so much cooler than their peers. That's what comes of having kids after you are 30!
Here's where I say the boy's already outgrown the funk. George Clinton apparently can't hold a candle to Bowie either. ;)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this!!! I could have written something like it I think LOL! Instead of DS's, my kids are now rocking the air drums to 80's hair bands in the back seat, and I made sure I schooled them on such things as the "Safety Dance" LOL.... Here's to us raising the BEST kids! My youngest asked me the other day for an air guitar for Christmas... DONE! :)
ReplyDeleteI love everything about this. <3
ReplyDeleteNext thing they'll be wearing flares!