Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bad Pictures of a Tasty Supper

We took the two largest sweet potatoes and made them for dinner last night. These were the best looking ones. The rest are mostly finger like and will have to be roasted or steamed all together to make something work from them.

It's a terrible picture, but done up with some butter and brown sugar and cucumbers from the garden with ranch dressing, I'd say things tasted a lot better than they looked in the picture.
Sweet potatoes aren't really something I'd ever purchase in the store. We all love potatoes and sweet potatoes, but never really eat them, so it's nice to grow them as a treat. I'm thinking I'll put these in the trellised box next year and let them run everywhere in there. I'll run a crop of beans in the summer and then, possibly, a set of cucumbers like this year if the beans stop producing, but I don't see why I couldn't just rip those roots out and leave the sweet potatoes in the same box and harvest all of it when it comes to frost.

The only problem I'd see would be to get the new sets of plants (cucumbers possibly) to grow if they're so shaded by the SP leaves. I could make transplants, I suppose, and let them grow substantially before I put them in the ground....thoughts?

The morning comes early. Sweet gardening dreams.


  1. I am not a huge fan of adding anything sugary to them, but you have reminded me how much I like them fried with a butter sauce with the deep fried turkey at Thanksgiving... I think you have me convinced I should grow some next year!!

  2. I think you could let some cucumber seedlings pretty big (before they begin to run), and place them in there with excellent results. I understand about the tater buying thing, as we don't buy many either. However, my parents eat them like crazy....
