When one decides to start a blog, it's the name of said blog that intrigues, it entices, it inspires.
And then you have mine. The coming up with a name is what held me back from writing anything resembling a blog, and then when you finally put one down, you have this conversation:
Girlfriend: "Hey, I checked out that blog you sent me. Not too shabby."
Ribbit: "Thanks. I'm having fun."
G: "Listen (pause), I have to ask. You're not planning on harming your family are you?"
R: "Noooo....not today. Why?" (note irritated, understated tone)
G: "Well, calling it 'The Coroner's Yard' doesn't really inspire confidence."
I actually thought about that as I was typing in the title for the first time. Ok, I thought about it because I initially typed it wrong. But it is what it is. It's not the yard proper, although if I had more sun back there it would be the whole yard, but it is most certainly the corner yard. And that, my friends, is the way it will stand...until I chop down that oak and commandeer the ENTIRE yard!
On a gardening note, I bought an ichiban eggplant today for a left over container that was itching for something in it. Hopefully it will produce more than a black beauty. Here's keeping fingers crossed it will produce anything at all!!!
January 27, 2015 - Family update
10 years ago
Yeah..."coroner's yard" would have scared some people! Ha! This blogging thing is pretty fun, especially when you get comments.
You're a hoot! Actually, I think "The Corner Yard" is a catchy title. Much better than "The Entire Yard", which sounds rather common and boring.