
Monday, July 12, 2010

Harvest Monday!

Every Monday, Daphne hosts Harvest Monday! Hop on over to her blog to see what everyone is harvesting this week. This was the week of the tomato for me. The yellow pears are coming in daily and I don't mind one bit. They're just my favorite.

Because of the nice weather around the fourth of July, the cucumbers were actually pollenated correctly and aren't so woppy this week.

Here's what I pulled today. I had to break down and put some tomatoes in the fridge even though I hate to do that. Most of this will wind up in a salad I'm bringing to a girlfriend's house tomorrow.

I tried, tried, tried to remember to take a picture of a roasted garden veggie dish from the other day, but by the time I remembered to grab my camera, we had eaten it all.
It obviously wasn't good at all. ;)

On a side note, thank you to everyone who has ordered key chains! The first batch went out in the mail this morning and you should be getting them shortly. I added the newest design today. It's another breast cancer design, but this one is white with tiny pink ribbons.
If you haven't checked out the Keychains for a Cause page, I encourage you to please come on over and see what it's about!
And while you're at it, stop by Daphne's to see what everyone else is harvesting!
The morning comes early. Sweet gardening dreams.


  1. LOVE the pic of the empty dish, I made a great dish too a while back and forgot to take a picture... next time I'll remember to do the empty dish LOL! Love the yellow tomatoes, sadly I don't have any. I started about 20 seedlings and at my seed swap people snatched the ones out of my tray that was clearly marked "Erin's - NOT FOR ADOPTION"... apparently the 17 others in the other tray weren't enough, grrrr...

  2. Better to ask forgiveness, right Erin? ;) You know, those little pear ones are the only yellow toms that I like. The rest are just so tart.

  3. nice harvest, the pear tomatoe sounds interesting.

  4. Beautiful tomatoes and cukes, sounds like the making of a good salad. And the amazing disappearing roasted veggies, LOL!

  5. Such beautiful harvests! The yellow pear tomatoes add such nice color. I'm still waiting for mine to ripen.. Seems like it's taking forever.

  6. So what was in the dish before you ate it all? What veggies did you roast, and how did you roast them? Inquiring minds want to know ;-)

    Not including the recipe is so uncishi. That is my verification word, and I felt like using it in a sentence.

  7. We're growing Yellow Pear too. They haven't fruited yet though. I'm looking forward to it.

  8. Granny, it was the same roasted veggie dish I posted a while back. I just buttered a pyrex and put some potatoes, kosher salt, pepper, rosemary, onions and garlic, covered it in the oven for a while and then uncovered and added zucchini, squash, eggplant and I think the stray bean or two and a tomato for good measure. Drizzle a bit more butter and bake until brown and the potatoes are soft.

  9. I love the looks of your yellow pear tomatoes. I'm putting them on my garden wish list for next year.:)

  10. The yellow pear tomatoes are pretty little things, but I was wondering what you'd do with them. A salad sounds like a great idea for them.

  11. I do put them in salads, but honestly, I prefer just to eat them as a snack by themselves.

  12. All those CP tomatoes look great! Can't wait for some of my own.

  13. Isn't harvest time wonderful :) I love it. Your cucumbers turned out well!

  14. The empty dish is a classic! Thanks for letting us know what you did. Might have to try that here. I have an outside oven/range in the patio for hot summer days when I feel like baking. Your yellow pear tomatoes are very pretty. I've never planted any, but I hear they are very tasty.

  15. The yellow pears are so pretty. I had never even heard of Cherokee Purple until I started reading these vegetable garden blogs, and now I can recognize them just from photos!

    Granny, I was almost ready to head over to until I read your second sentence about word verification. You crack me up.

  16. I tried commenting yesterday but got a 503 error whatever that is. Anyway, I love the empty dish. I do that a lot. I eat it all up and then think I should have taken a photo.
