
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Conspriacies, A Man Down, Realizations, and the Duh Factor...Oh MY!

My philosophies of a garden conspiracy when it comes to integrated garden salad fare (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers etc. at the same time) is well documented. There is, however, another conspiracy that needs noting. The rain conspiracy. I promise you, Mother Nature conspires against us in order not to rain in our subdivision. We live about a quarter mile off of the main road and three times this last week, it's rained a toad floater on the main road and we're been bone dry. If that's not a conspiracy, I don't know what is. I finally resorted to cursing the sky Tuesday and wouldn't you know it....It rained here Wednesday night, but blessings aren't without curses. I went out this morning to find a man down. It wouldn't be so bad except for the stem was severed. I left the two ripening ones on the stem to hopefully ripen some more, but that left seven green tomatoes.
I looked through my Ball Complete Book of Home Canning to find out what to do with them and decided to make Salsa Verde which made and sealed very well.
Then I made a very important realization. I don't like green tomatoes. Really. It was yucky. This was my realization and simultaneously DUH moment of the day.
Hopefully we'll find a use for all of it. I've got three more green ones left and I've found all sorts of recipes from fried tomatoes to green tomato bread, but it's all pretty much making me crinkle my nose. Looks like those might be going on the front walk for the taking. I also blanched and froze 8+ cups more zucchini this morning. I may stick the boy on the sidewalk with the lemonade stand he's been wanting and some extra tomatoes. He'll have a blast.
The morning comes early. Sweet gardening dreams.


  1. I've made that same salsa recipe - it needs some time in the jar.

    If the tomatoes are even a tiny bit pink, leave them in a warm dark place and they'll ripen. Even if not, if the seeds are encapsulated inside the fruit, they'll probably still ripen...

  2. That's good to know, Stephen. I'll let them sit for a while.

    So, I gather that if I stand on one leg, hold my mouth right and flap my arms that the other three may just ripen. I'll let them sit on the counter and they can either ripen or rot. It will be their choice. ;) Thanks for possibly giving me some hope.

  3. Your predicament would be a no-brainer at my house. FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. Yep, I have to keep my wife out of the garden right now! Please tell me it wasn't the CP plant?

  4. I hate everything green tomatoish. With one exception. Green tomato mincemeat. Of course, I lost the recipe years ago, but it could probably be googled.

  5. Sorry about your downed tomato plant....

    When I was planting one of my tomatoes... I broke it in two! I took the top part and rooted it in water... leaving the other part in the ground.

    We'll see what happens... EG is always talking about rooting suckers... so I thought that I'd give it a try.

  6. It hasn't rained at all in over a week here. Everything is bone dry! Sorry to hear about your tomato plant.

  7. I'm with you on the green tomatoes! Sorry about that weather. I went out yesterday and the winds the previous night had toppled both of my precious Polish tomatoes I have been babying, they are both 6 ft high and 3 ft wide.... I was almost in tears as I righted them. After a day they still look fine so I guess the stems didn't break or split anywhere - LUCKY! Needless to say I staked the crap out of those cages, now there are guy lines all over to trip on LOL Let us know if shelving that green stuff for awhile improves it!

  8. You can make green tomato jelly! It's really good!

  9. No, it was a beefsteak. Robin, I looked into doing the jelly, but I'd need a jelly bag and food mill both of which I don't have. Granny, I found a mincemeat recipe on the harvest forum at gardenweb if you want it.

    Toni, I could try rerooting it, but it's taller than me as it is. I think I'm just going to let it go. Erin, good luck to yours!

  10. So, I have never tried this, but it is just a thought. What about throwing one of those jars in with a pot of chili? With regular tomatoes as well of course. It might bury the green tomato taste and spice up the chili.

  11. Does the mincemeat have to be frozen? That's why I quit making mine, when "someone" decided it wasn't safe for canning any more (even though I'd been canning and eating it for umpteen years, as had my grandmother, who gave me the recipe). I don't have room in my small freezer :-( Anyway, if it can be canned, I want it.

  12. I went back and looked and the commentary seemed to suggest it was unsafe.

    I'll look in the big book and let you know what I find out.

  13. I loooooove green salsa! Mmmm....salsa.....

    Oh and I have some mormon friends who can all sorts of meat and chicken products and they swear by 'em!

  14. Hi there Ribbit.
    Re the strawberry curd on my blog recently. I understnad completely where you are coming from, so I am Happy to explain.

    There are two types of curd. The curd that you already know of associated to whey and the other is a thick, soft, sweet and velvety cream that has a wonderful sharp and tart taste. Often spread on toast, scones and plain cakes. Curd is traditionally made with citrus fruits like lemons. However, recently people have been experiment with blueberries, cranberries and strawberries. Just imagine the texture of the lemon in a lemon meringue pie and that is what this curd is like. Sweet and zingy.

    I hope this helps to some extent.

  15. Poor tom tom.

    How can you not like green tomatoes!

    How about a spicy green tom. chutney with coriander and green chillies.

  16. As long as the bottom has a little yellowish "star" just wait them out. they will turn red! :)

  17. They do! THank you so much, Anonymous!!
