Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sinful Acts in the Guise of Repurposing

Last time I posted about purchasing an awesome card catalog.  I've been wanting one for some time.  It had four distinct sections and I stacked them in two places, two on top of each other.  Problem was, there is only one top, so I had to come up with an idea for the other.  It was a team effort.  The man went out and bought me a sheet of MDF and my neighbor came over with his router to cut the grooves to fit the cabinet.  We paid him in beer and dinner.  It was a good trade.  The next day I went up to school and found a bunch of duplicate copies of novels and plays I had sitting around the classroom and created this decoupage of my favorite passages.
It was wet in the picture above.  The bubbles evened out as it dried.  Here is what it looks like on the catalog.
 I just love it.  However, I started to feel very guilty about the books that I defaced to make the lid.  I asked forgiveness of each book, but the rest of the pages mocked me in their agony, so I decided to make additional pieces of them pendants for necklaces. 

Ok, sports fans.  It's time to play:  Name That Novel!  No cheating.  

How many did you get?  Thinking I'm going to make some hair lollies and bracelets next.  I can't wait.
The morning comes early.  Sweet repurposing dreams.


  1. Hamlet. Macbeth. Gatsby. Othello. Julius Caesar. The Inferno. . .

    My daughter just made Christmas very easy by musing aloud about Pride and Prejudice versions. Sigh. Readers, they're easy.

  2. Almost! In order: Gone with the Wind, Macbeth, the cover of To Kill a Mockingbird, Julius Caesar, The Inferno, The Crucible, and Gatsby. Great job on Gatsby! BTW, it's killing me not to italicize these titles. I'm so making some P&P ones, but I didn't have a copy of the book. OOOH, Wuthering Heights would make some great ones.

  3. : ) I didn't even do the internet _italicize_ thing, or try to get them in order, and you're right, I forgot GWTW. . . Ah, Crucible, of course.

    My kid hates Wuthering Heights, and who can blame her? I'm thinking that some of the lines from Dear Sugar might work; talk about luminous prose. . .

  4. I haven't read Dear Sugar. Something for my list!! You know, I think I'm the only loon that loves WH. Who can't love a story where one person wants the side of their and another's coffin bashed out so they can decompose together. That's love. ;) (note sarcasm)
